A Petersham Chiropractor's Tips for Preventing Netball Injuries
August 2015
Wear the Correct Footwear:
One of the most common injuries is an ankle sprain, often from incorrect footwear. Make sure your shoes are in good condition. They should have good grip and support. Make sure they are properly fitted and try to wear them in before getting on the court. I prefer Brooks and Asics.
Stretching/Warm Up
Always warm up with an active warm up. This means a jog or any exercise or activity that mimics some of the actions of the game. The warm up decreases the chance of injury on the court as you are preparing the body for play. Even if you are running late, make sure you take the time to run from the car to the court or run around the court before going on.
It is also important to warm up your hands and fingers. Finger sprains are another common injury. This can be done with quick passes and also with by getting the hands moving without the ball.
It is also important to stretch and cool down. This allows the muscles to gradually cool down and lessens the tightness felt after a game. This is often even more important than the warm up.
Make sure you attend your training sessions. This is to prevent injuries from improper throwing techniques, jumping/landing and changing of direction. It is important to master the technique of good chest, shoulder and bounce passes. It is also important to have the fitness to be able to stay on the court for a whole game. This includes cardiovascular fitness but also balance, coordination, strength and flexibility. Landing properly and learning to change direction quickly and safely are also important techniques to avoid excess stress on the ankles and knees. Training will also help develop the muscles around the ankles, knees and shoulders to prevent injury.
Preventing Injury & tips for when injured
Seek a pre-participation health check by a health practitioner to identify any musculoskeletal problems or to treat any current injuries.
Make sure that you listen to your body. If you are on the court or are about to take the court and are sore or are not feeling well, do not take the court.
If you have weakness or pain in your ankles, knees, hips or lower back make sure you seek help from a health practitioner- Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Massage or Acupuncture can be helpful.
If you have a sprain at a game, make sure you get some treatment on the injury as soon as possible to help bring the swelling down and speed up recovery.
If you have sustained an injury, ensure you receive rehabilitation before resuming play.
For more information contact Amy at Crystal Street Family Chiropractic - proud sponsor of Summer Hill Lakers Netball Club.